Towards Legal Interoperability in International Data Spaces
International Data Spaces, Legal Interoperability, Ontology, Systematic Literature Review.
The value of data exchange is indubitably a thriving approach. However, it must be conducted in a safe and sovereign space, avoiding the loss of control and data misusage. The International Data Spaces is supposed to be a trusted environment where companies can share sensitive data, upholding data sovereignty. Thus mitigating the risk of losing industrial secrets and further threats to competition. Along with the two foundations mentioned for International Data Spaces, its architecture allows a free contract endorsement, on which companies may negotiate their policies and governing laws. A service contract should be able to unambiguously represent all involved policies, leaving no breach for subjectivity. Another important aspect of International Data Spaces is to follow the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles. In particular, we focus on the Legal Interoperability. As one of the proposed interoperability layers (intended by the European Interoperability Framework), Legal Interoperability is presented as the capability of companies from different countries (under other governing laws) to cooperate. Adopting the lack of contractual representation and common knowledge in a machine-readable way as a problem set, it takes a Design Science perspective for problem decomposition into specific issues, triangulation of research methods, and projection of a solution space. As an ongoing work, we present the Design Science overview and the goals and treatments set. Up to now, we have been able to offer a Systematic Literature Review and the development of the so-called Legal Interoperability Ontology for International Data Spaces (LegIOn-IDS). Finally, we propose a discussion of results and define future works towards mitigating research questions.